New Co-Writer
Have you ever had an idea that you thought was interesting, but never bothered to write it down? Maybe you felt like it was irrelevant or you were just too lazy to put it on paper. That's how I felt. But then, something interesting happened. I discovered the power of ChatGPT.
At some point, I realized that those 280 characters on Twitter just weren't enough to express all of my ideas (and no, I'm upgrading to 2000 characters for this reason). And with the help of ChatGPT, I can now take my writing to the next level. No, I won't be generating random poetry, but I will be using AI to help with the formatting of my ideas.
This will make my blog easier and more entertaining to read, without sacrificing the key message I want to convey. So from this moment forward, all of my articles will be written by me, but with a little help from my sidekick, ChatGPT.
I'm excited to share my professional experiences and ideas around web design, web development, and related topics with you. So definitely stay tuned and I hope you will enjoy reading my upcoming articles!
P.S. Just to prove that I'm serious about using AI to help me with my writing process, I wanted to let you know that the introduction you just read was actually written by ChatGPT. I simply fed my "colleague" the input as specific as possible and it helped me write a better (and shorter) version.